Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Center for Aviation & Aerospace Leadership interesting perspective regarding people in general; "...they want to be a part of a cause that gives them a sense of meaning and significance; they want to belong to something larger than themselves..." I posit that the attraction is more (much more) than mere charisma that draws those yearning for the secret recipe or magic potion that will unlock the answers to life's burning questions. I discovered a term that has become the focus of my interaction with other human beings; Gemeinschaftsgefühl - term is used to describe the state of social connectedness and interest in the well-being of others; community feeling.

I have come to the understanding early in my leadership career, that “True” Leaders are those who focus on their followers and not themselves. In other words, True Leadership is synonymous with “Servant” Leadership. Leaders, who embrace the principles of serving, are then truly free to influence those in their charge for the greater good.

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose..." ~Janis Joplin. We lose our freedom when we allow ourselves to be diverted from our responsibility to those we serve. The key to servant leadership (in my opinion) is to leave the people and the communities we serve, better than they were before we interacted with them. Servant Leadership is infectious. Not doing it? If not, you are missing out on some choice blessings in your life.

"My life shall touch a dozen lives before this day is done,
Leave countless marks for good and ill ere sets the evening sun,
This is the wish I always wish, the prayer I always pray;
Lord, may my life help other lives it touches by the way" -- Anonymous

"Ripples are indicative of Human Life...
...One cannot touch another without being touched back" -- Bobby Martin

Bobby Martin’s recommended Reading List:
Eupsychian Management - Abraham H. Maslow
Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box - The Arbinger Institute
Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness - Robert K. Greenleaf
Becoming a Person of Influence - John C. Maxwell and Jim Dornan

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